Thursday, April 10, 2008


Today I have to meet Amanah Raya to sign some papers pertaining my late father’s legacy. It is somehow a mixed feeling. To receive something out of losing somebody very important in my life is not what I wish for. I haven’t talked about the loss for quite some time. Five years to be exact. It was so painful to dig back all the memories, be it bitter or sweet. I just want to keep it deep inside me and remember it just the way it was.

One of the reason I started writing a blog is to share my past memories to the rest of the world. That’s what I thought I could do. However, now that I’m writing this entry, I feel that I don’t have the courage to do that just yet. Although I know I’m the only one reading my own blog, I still couldn’t find the strength to share the intimate thoughts and memories of my love one to the world. The poem I wrote in the previous entry entitle ‘When I think of the day’ is a dedication to my late father who had guided me to be the person I am today… Al –Fatihah…

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