Thursday, February 28, 2008


My entry today is on a common health problem in any woman in this world: ENDOMETRIOSIS. 


I was diagnosed with endometriosis back in 2005 after complaining of a severe back pain and period pain.  Upon further checkup, we discovered a fibroid / cyst, not too big, but could be the cause of the pain. So, I decided to have an operation to remove it.  My main objective was to let the pain go, cause it is so unbearable.   It’s like a waste of pain, meaning, to have a pain some-what-similar with labour pain, but no child was born!


After operation in July 2005, I was given a rest for a month, and medical injection for 6 months to control the endo.  I was so relieved, finally it was over. I mean the pain.  Not for long though. Exactly a year after the first operation, I had again the some-what-similar period pain in July 2006! After bearing the pain for another 3 months with the help of painkillers everyday, I decided to consult my gyne again in Nov 2006.  Looks like the fibroid / cyst is back. Bigger this time.  So, Jan – Jun 2007, we started the medical injection again for another 6 months to control the growth.  I was so happy that upon checkup, it was smaller again. 


I decided to take a traditional nutrient supplementary which was believed to help in woman’s health. I related to a story by a friend who consumed this supplementary and felt easy and healthy and also managed to conceived. I took the supplementary for less than a month, and suddenly, in July 2007, the pain is back!  The pain was so excruciating at the right abdomen that the doctor first diagnosed it was appendix.  I have been hospitalized for a day for observation, but then, the doctors realized it was not appendix but my ‘long-love’ endo.


My appointment with the gyne in Aug 2007 revealed that it had grown 3 times bigger than before.  I could take a few medical prescriptions to control the growth or I could have another operation to remove it. I took the first option.  Now, in Feb 2008, after 6 months, it was back to small again.  I have totally stopped to take the prescription related to endo for exactly 10 days now. There are back pains occasionally (like yesterday and today) but I can still bear it without painkillers.


Since the cause of endo remains unknown, the right treatment for each individual is also depends on her own symptom and need.  I had endo-diagnosed friends who :  gave birth to twins, gave birth to triplets, gave birth 9 months after endo-operation, conceived but miscarriage after 12 years of marriage, had an only child after 9 years marriage.  As for me, I will still continue with the treatment and will not lose hope.


To read more about endo, refer to 

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